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01 Pre-M (9, 10 & 11 January 2025) Online Preparation for Personal Healing and Restoration Ministry Course (CLOSED)

$100.00 SGD Regular price
Unit price

Online Preparation for Personal Healing and Restoration Ministry Course (English)

Jesus asked, "Do you want to be healed? " John 5:6


The Preparation for Personal Healing and Restoration Ministry Course (Pre-M) is a preparatory course for all who want to receive prayer ministry in every aspect of their life issues.

We have been offering this course for the past 20 years, and thousands had benefited from the teaching, healing and overcame their challenges in life. In this changing times, God's healing and restoration is liken to fresh water to a thirsty person.

We added a new insightful topic, "Spiritual Warfare and the Armor of God" to this course.

It is also open to those who seek to know more about the healing ministry of Jesus Christ.

We strongly recommend this course to pastors and leaders as this course seeks to bring health and strength in the Church.



Our Objectives


·       To prepare the seekers' hearts to receive God's healing and restoration.

·       For seekers to learn the foundational truths to understand the healing ministry of Jesus Christ.

·       To equip the seekers on how to keep God's healing through understanding the realities of spiritual warfare and the consequences of losing any piece of God's armor in our daily lives.


Covered Topics:


1.     Introduction to Source of Sickness, Soul Ties and Generational Iniquity

2.     Lordship of Jesus Christ in relation to the healing and Restoration Ministry

3.     Forgiveness and God's Restoring Heart


4.     The Empowerment of the Holy Spirit

5.     The Healing and Deliverance Ministry of Jesus Christ

6.     Keeping What God Gives You

·       Spiritual Warfare and The Armor of God


TheOnline Pre-M Courseis scheduled once a month on:
Part 1: Thursday 9 January 2025, 8.00pm - 10.00pm
Part 2: Friday 10 January 2025, 8.00pm - 10.00pm
Part 3: Saturday 11 January 2025, 9.30am – 12.00noon


Course Fees
Adults: S$100
Full-time Student:
S$20(Kindly WhatsApp to 8809 8056 for student code) 

Refund Policy

Fees paid are non-transferable to another person. Upon date of course commencement and thereafter, there is no refund of any fees paid.  There will be a S$15.00 administrative charge for refund before course commencement.

A grace period of 3 months only is allowed from the month of registration. No further deferment is allowed. We reserve the right to change the schedule and topics without prior notice.   

Zoom ID and Password 
The Zoom Meeting ID and password will be sent to you before the course.
 It is not to be forwarded to anyone else. Please log in 15 minutes earlierwith your registered name.

Personal Ministry Appointment (PMA)
Those who wish to apply for Personal Ministry Appointment to deal with life issues must attend the entire three-part Pre-M course.

Application and commencement of ministry must be within 1 year of attending this Pre-M Course. Link to sign-up for PMA will be given at the end of the Saturday Class.

PMA is given FREE

Two Prayer Ministers will be assigned to minister to you either on-site or on zoom.  Your full commitment to attend the PMA sessions is expected. Do honour your PMA dates as our volunteer prayer ministers would have put aside their time to minister to you.


Registration for personal ministry is valid for 1 year, effective from your PreM attendance. Beyond the 1 year, you will need to re-register for the Pre-Ministry Course. We reserve the right to decline application for PMA.


We advise that you register for PMA as soon as you have attended the PreM Course.

Privacy Notice 
By registering
for thecourseyou agree thatAsianMinistries collect your personal information for us to communicate with you regarding our upcoming events,coursesor prayer ministry. Please clickherefor details.

Kindly complete this PreM Registration Form:


