Jesus asked, "Do you want to be healed? " John 5:6
The Preparation for Personal Healing and Restoration Ministry Course (Pre-M) is a preparatory course for all who want to receive prayer ministry in every aspect of their life issues.
We have been offering this course for the past 20 years, and thousands had benefited from the teaching, healing and overcame their challenges in life. In this changing times, God's healing and restoration is liken to fresh water to a thirsty person.
We added a new insightful topic, "Spiritual Warfare and the Armor of God" to this course.
It is also open to those who seek to know more about the healing ministry of Jesus Christ.
We strongly recommend this course to pastors and leaders as this course seeks to bring health and strength in the Church.
Our Objectives
- To prepare the seekers' hearts to receive God's healing and restoration.
- For seekers to learn the foundational truths to understand the healing ministry of Jesus Christ.
- To equip the seekers on how to keep God's healing through understanding the realities of spiritual warfare and the consequences of losing any piece of God's armor in our daily lives.
线上服事前预备班与医治及修复课程(简称 : “ 预备班”) 是为所有想在⽣ 的各个层⾯接受祷告服事的⼈准备的课程 。
在过去的20年⾥,我们⼀直在提供这⻔课程,成千上万的从教学中受益、治愈并克服了⽣活中的挑战。在这个变化的时代,上帝的 “医治和修复”就像纯净的活⽔解了⼝渴之⼈的⼲渴 。
我们在本课程中添加了⼀个新的具有洞察⼒的主题,“属灵争战和神所赐的军装 。
同 时, 这⻔课程也⾯向希望更多了解耶稣基督的医治与释放事⼯的弟兄姐妹 。
我们强烈推荐这⻔课程给牧师和领袖,因为这⻔课程旨在为教会注⼊健康和⼒量 。
· 帮助寻求医治的学员预备自己的心来领受上帝的医治与修复 。
· 为寻求医治的学员介绍耶稣医治与释放事工的基础概念和真理 。
· 通过了解属灵争战的事实, 以及在日常生活中失去上帝军装任何部分的后果, 装备寻求医治的学员如何守住上帝的医治。