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On the morning of 7 October 2004, in the midst of her Bible reading, Esther Soo heard the Holy Spirit whisper, "There will be a healing centre; call it 'Zion Healing Centre'. Next year October 10, you will start the healing centre...."

On the night of 7 April 2005 at Rivieria Bay Resort, Malacca, Peter Horrobin who had been sensing the urgency of starting a healing centre, asked if Titus and Esther Soo would direct this work.

Unaware of what Esther had heard six months before, Peter's request was the confirmation of the Lord's desire to have a centre in East Asia. Jill Southern, David and Denise Cross and Alan Chan were there and they confirmed that it was the will of God.

The birthplace was secured, 10 October 2005

As the Lord had spoken. The present retreat centre was rented at the Lord's price. Throughout the gestation period, Jill Southern was the midwife from afar. Many hands came to help and funds began to pour in to meet the needs of the centre. Big hearts, childlike faith, lots of laughter and joy, and the labour of love - it was just amazing to see God at work.

Birth, 7 December 2005, Zion Healing Centre Ltd was incorporated.

Such great joy and jubilation in the hearts of all who had been waiting - a 'toddler' was born. For the zeal of the Lord of Hosts has and shall perform this (Isa 37:32b).
