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I first came across Asian Ministries - Zion Healing Centre when I was searching to learn more about healing and deliverance. I enrolled in the then Modular School A in 2016 and subsequently in Modular School B in 2019. These courses provided not only excellent teaching and in-depth knowledge about healing and deliverance, but also a time of receiving ministry in a group context. Included were also 50 hours of practicum with experienced prayer counsellors. As Isa 61:1-4 deeply resonates with me and I’m called to the healing and deliverance ministry, I then volunteered as a prayer counsellor and served happily here before my SG247 responsibilities did not enable me to do so.

I therefore have experienced this ministry as a student, a counselee and a prayer counsellor. From all 3 viewpoints, I would highly recommend Asian Ministries - Zion Healing Centre: 

First, as a centre of learning. The teaching is excellent – systematic, structured and in-depth. All the teachers are very experienced and knowledgeable, and they freely share their cases (on an anonymous basis, of course).

Second, as a ministry centre. Each counsellee receives in-depth ministry from two trained prayer counsellors (usually one experienced and one learner). While the focus is on the presenting problem, the areas covered can range from family background to personal relationships and experiences, depending on the Holy Spirit’s leading. The ministry which I received here over the years has given me a level of cleansing, healing and deliverance which has enabled me to walk in much greater freedom, joy and intimacy with the LORD.

Third, as a centre to serve. It has developed a mature system of helping practicum students learn from the experiences of mature prayer counsellors and accumulate ministry hours, until they are ready to be independent to serve and to train others. I have personally learnt much from the experienced prayer counsellors whom I was assigned to partner. I have also witnessed many breakthroughs. Many have been healed and set free. Praise the LORD!

Hence I would highly recommend Asian Ministries - Zion Healing Centre used by GOD to teach, heal and serve. In a time of increasing darkness, it stands out as a beacon of light, bringing life and healing to the afflicted and distressed.

Tsao Yuan, SG247 Coordinator
