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Keys To Restoring Marriage & Family (Registration CLOSED. Current On-going Class)

$970.00 SGD Regular price
Unit price


As marriages and families battle threats, storms and brokenness, there is a great need for healing, restoration and a rebuilding of godly values and foundation. KRMF takes a step-by-step approach in educating and training couples and families to lay the right foundations in their God-given marriages and families. Furthermore, during the Group Work stage, a team of experienced counsellors will minister into various issues in the marriage and family as the Lord leads. This course is also for those who wish to be trained in ministering to broken families and marriages. 


1. To build a strong marriage and family that withstands the storms of life.

2. To know and understand the ingredients that will establish strong marriage and family.

3. To know and address the issues that threaten our marriage and family. 

4. To train you to bring healing and restoration to broken marriages and families. 

5. To lay a lasting legacy of strong marriages and families for generations. 

A Husband's Testimony 

For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice, James 3:16. Our marriage of more than 12 years was full of strife right from the onset. My wife and I loved each other deeply and we were aware of it. We are good Christians committed to applying biblical truths to aspects of our lives including bringing up our four children. Despite knowing God, we never had peace in our marriage. Somehow, there were doors that were opened that the devil and his cohorts roamed freely in our marriage causing us so much grief and strife. Our marriage was at breaking point as I contemplated divorce, but God had a plan to revive that which He had put together. 

A good Christian couple who are counselors in our local church recommended a weekend marriage workshop with Ellel Ministries Singapore. I was quite skeptical of deliverance ministries and did not know what to expect of the weekend. The first day was an eye opener as God used the teaching to open our eyes to the little foxes that ruin vineyards (SOS 2:15). Our vineyard of marriage that was supposed to be in bloom was being ruined. We were also reminded of our duty to our children and the plan of God to prosper the family. Statistics of the effects of broken homes on the children, revealed how much the devil is doing to ruin innocent lives. 

The second day was spent on revisiting our foundations. Foundations that touched on my extended polygamous family upbringing, parenting styles that I have been exposed to, renouncing of soul-ties, religious beliefs and the state of my salvation. Counseling and lifting up of old burdens and genuine forgiveness followed this. I was forgiven by my wife for my past wrongs. It was freedom for me to feel genuine forgiveness from my wife after more than 10 years. I knew this was from God and I yearn to be a husband who loves and protect her. 

The weekend with Ellel has helped me focus on building our marital bond in God’s love and according to His purpose. I am on a journey to fulfil God’s purpose in our lives and for our children. Truly I can declare and see God’s word working for us… “For I am planting seeds of peace and prosperity among you. The grapevines will be heavy with fruit. The earth will produce its crops, and the heavens will release the dew…” Zech 8:12a We still have a lot of areas to work on in our marriage, but I know we will never go back to the past years of darkness. I completely trust that God has started a good thing in us and will see it to a perfect conclusion. 

Praise the Lord! 

A Wife’s testimony 

Attending the Ellel marriage seminar was a wonderful experience. We were reminded of the basic principles of marriage and the importance of unity between a man and his wife. Especially the importance of leaving and cleaving which was a big issue in my marriage. The deliverance sessions gave us an opportunity to look back on past wrongs and to truly repent before God as a way of rededicating our marriage relationship and rebuilding our relationship with God. The experience really helped me and my husband and to reconnect and forgive each other of our past wrongs in order to begin afresh. The Ellel team were very committed, attentive and helpful. I would recommend this training course to anyone who wants to recommit and reconnect in their marriage relationship. 


  1. Taster - Welcome and Orientation for KRMF Students and Guests 
    Introduction to KRMF Teaching and Objectives 
    Zoom session 
  2. Ministering into the Broken Foundation and Wrong Spirit of the Marriage and Family 
    Zoom session 
  3. How to Minister to restore Godly Roles and Boundaries in the Marriage & Family 
    Zoom session
  4. Catching the foxes in the Marriage and Family 
    Zoom session 
  5. Understanding Ungodly Control 
    Zoom session 

  6. Sexual Life in Marriage 
    Zoom session 
  7. Financial Life in Marriage 
    Zoom session 
    KRMF Ministry Retreat 6D5N 
  8. Healing Marital Wounds & Recalibration 
  9. Spiritual Protection and Nurture 
  10. Building a Strong Marriage & Family as a Legacy for your Descendants 
    Zoom session 
  11. Graduation 
    Zoom session 


Ministering into the Broken Foundation and Wrong Spirit of the Marriage and Family 

This module seeks to lay a strong foundation for the marriage and family by examining the stages of courtship and the route to marriage. Come also to discover the necessary ingredients to nurture the right spirit in a marriage as exemplified by Christ and the Church. 

"And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; 
you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to dwell in.”   
ISAIAH 58:12 

A broken foundation can be repaired and a wrong spirit rectified through repentance. 

How to Minister to Restore Godly Roles and Boundaries in the Marriage and Family? 

This module seeks to impart understanding of the roles of each member in the family. Knowing our boundaries will foster a stronger relationship within the family. Headship, leadership and mutual respect play a vital part in establishing a godly family. A good spiritual cover is necessary to protect the family and prevent any ungodly control.  When roles in the family are compromised and godly boundaries are violated, God wants to come into our lives to restore each member to his/her rightful place of calling and authority.  This is so that each family can experience victory and abundant life.  Thus, in this course, we also seek to equip counsellors and couples to bring restoration to families through Christ’s healing and deliverance. 
Catching the foxes in the Marriage and Family 

This module seeks to identify "the foxes" that devastate the marriage and family life. What are the threats to oneness? How does the enemy use various factors to destroy marital and family relationships? How do we address these issues that threaten marriage and family life? We aim to discover the root causes of the presenting problems and through counselling to minister the healing and deliverance of Jesus Christ. 

"Catch for us the foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom. "   

Understanding Ungodly Control 

How to Recognise and Deal Effectively with Ungodly Control in Self and Others.  The subject of control is an important issue as it occurs in relation to the exercise of authority and can be a destructive factor in all relationships, not least because it takes away the individual’s freedom of choice.  It is also the basis and power of witchcraft.  We will be dealing with the spirit behind the person, not the person himself/herself.  

Ungodly control — damages the spirit (damaging / breaking communication with God) and brings discouragement.  It produces lies and a twisted identity in the one who is crushed by it.  It will suppress and hold back the purposes of God and the gifts and abilities He has given from being expressed in the life of an individual.  

The exercise of authority is right and godly.  Godly authority is where God has put boundaries in for us, and through our own free will, we live within those boundaries, and He controls us through the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:5-9).  Godly control (Spiritual Leadership) — builds up an individual releasing him/her into his/her identity as a person as well as releasing one into using his/her natural talents and spiritual gifting under God. 

Sexual life in Marriage 

We shall examine what is godly and ungodly sex and the importance of sex in marriage which God intended for pleasure. We also examine some sexual problems faced by both husband and wife on the marital bed. We shall also explore how non-sexual issues can mar the intimacy and enjoyment of sex between couples. 

Financial life in Marriage 

Arguments over money is one of the common marriage problems that couples face. Sound financial management is often critical to marital bliss. If both understand biblical stewardship and seek godly wisdom, money issues will not become a problem in marriage. As Christians, we have to remember the biblical definition of marriage: Oneness. Therefore, we have to ask ourselves: Does the way we handle our finances help to achieve oneness in marriage? Good stewardship of family finances fosters bonding, faithfulness and intimacy between couple. Knowing that everything comes from God, what we have are given by God for us to steward for His glory will help us put God at the centre and allow Him to be in control of our finances and possessions. 

Healing Marital Wounds and Recalibration 

What are the causes of wounding in the marriage?  What are the types of abuses in a marriage?  

Abuse crushes the body, soul and spirit of individuals and ultimately destroys life in marriage. How do we overcome such predicaments as the wounding of individuals?  It is the healing and restoration by the Father heart of God. He reconciles us to Himself and brings healing to the wounds of marriage. How do we minister healing and deliverance to wounded individuals, teach and mentor them to restore their marriage life to godly order? 

Spiritual Protection and Nurture  

In this module we shall investigate: the reality of spiritual nakedness, the need for God’s covering, how we become spiritually exposed, the consequence of exposure, the deception and damage of self-covering and how to appropriate God’s recovery. 

Building a Strong Marriage and Family as a Legacy for your Descendants 

This module affirms the importance of the foundation and the building blocks of a strong marriage and family. It challenges us to commit to a life-long marital relationship. The aim is to pass down the generations a legacy of spiritual inheritance. Hence, there is a place for mentoring young couples in order to establish godly order in their marriage and family. 

"Thus say the Lord, "Stand at the crossroads and look, ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls..."  

The flipped classroom format of this Modular School consists of students viewing 9 modules of bilingual pre-recorded training videos and engaging in a weekly 2.5 hour of online discussions in English. Each module consists of 1 to 4 training videos of about 2 hours each. Students have 2 months before each module commences to view the training videos and 2 weeks to complete the assignments. Weekly online discussions take place on Saturdays from 9.30am to 12pm. 

At appropriate point of the course, each student/couple will meet the Centre Director for an online Personal Pastoral Session as well as receive in-person Prayer Ministry Appointments during the course. There will be a Ministry Retreat towards the end of the course. 

The course is designed to present key principles, godly values and the right foundations for the healing of families and marriages and to encourage and challenge in a gentle and sensitive way. The modules are progressive in their teaching content, and for this reason students are encouraged to go through them in the established order. 

If you wish to know more about the course before signing up, do attend the free Taster session. Sign up for the free Taster session at 

The zoom link will then be emailed to you. 

Contact +65 62524234 if you need more information. 



This is a training and equipping course aimed at strengthening families and marriages. All topics will be taught by experienced counsellors who have ministered to hundreds of couples and families. Come and be equipped. 


Register as a Couple - S$1,640.00  
Register as an Individual - S$870.00  

Register as a Couple - S$1,840.00 
Register as an Individual - S$970.00  

Payment by PayNow, Bank Transfer or Cheque (inclusive of textbook, prayer manual and delivery fee** 

**Delivery fee is for local Singapore only. Shipping fee is charged separately for overseas students 
