An overview
An exciting new flipped classroom format allows you to view bilingual pre-recorded training videos at your own pace with online interactive discussions in English for depth and insight. There are Personal Ministry Appointments for personal breakthroughs if needful. Thereafter, under the guidance of Lead Prayer Ministers, you learn to minister Jesus’ healing and deliverance in the 30 hours of practicum practice. This is optional.
KEYS Training School is a training course series covering important keys that will equip you to help others whilst encouraging personal growth and healing in your own life.
It is an essential training and equipping school for Churches that are interested to start a Ministry Team or a Healing Ministry. It is also for Churches that are interested to strengthen and grow their Ministry Team and Healing Service in skill, knowledge and character.
Covid-19 pandemic exposed the need for divine healing and deliverance in our society. Jesus Christ, the Great Physician, is calling you to be the salt and light in these troubled times. You need to learn, to experience and then bring His healing hands to the multitudes in your daily life. The Holy Spirit wants to grow you and use you to be His prayer minister to your family and friends, your colleagues and strangers who need the healing power of God. During this training course, you will hear the healing heart of God to bring His hope, comfort, healing and deliverance to the world. This course is God’s bridge to transform lives from weaknesses to strength and from sickness to health. Come, see and taste that God is good! With God, you can make a difference in this world!
A Testimony
“This School has been the tool God has used to get me close to Him. My life has been transformed by the power, truth and the presence of God that is manifested in every class and ministry time of the School. I truly believe, these teachings were born from the very heart of God because they have drawn me back to His presence.”
How will it help me?
The modules have been selected to provide teaching and understanding in manageable units, as well as inspiring and encouraging personal growth, healing and restoration. This is vital for equipping God’s people to minister His healing power and love out of a real understanding and personal experience.
Students who have completed the School have discovered that their walk with the Lord has been enriched and their relationship with Jesus has deepened. Additionally, many have found that their individual callings have been confirmed. Many have experienced transformation in their courtship, marriage, family and work life. Many parents discover that they are better equipped in their parental role. Pastors and leaders have discovered that there is a great need in their church for this training course. Personal Ministry Appointments and Practicum at the end of each part of the School will give students practical experience in the healing ministry alongside experienced Ministry Team members.
The Format
The flipped classroom format of the Keys to Restoring Lives 'A' School consists of students viewing 10 modules of bilingual pre-recorded training videos and engaging in a weekly 3 hour of online discussions. Each module consists of 4 training videos of about 2 hours each. Students are required to view the relevant training videos before each class and have 2 weeks to complete the assignments. Weekly online discussions take place on Fridays from 9.00am to 11.30am. Each student receives Personal Ministry Appointments during the course.
The course is designed to present key principles relating to the healing ministry and to encourage and challenge in a gentle and sensitive way. The modules are progressive in their teaching content, and for this reason students are encouraged to go through them in the established order. Upon meeting course requirements, students will also be given an option of thirty hours of Practicum Training under the supervision of an experienced Ministry Team member. Students will also be given the opportunity to attend a 3-day Practicum Workshops to acquire practical experience in the healing ministry. This Practicum Workshop is optional.
Schedule of Events (subject to changes)
There are 10 modules of pre-recorded videos. You are required to view the relevant videos before each class.
Weekly online discussions on Zoom: Fridays 9.00am to 12.00noon
Personal Ministry Appointments while the course is ongoing.
If you wish to know more about the course before signing up, do attend our free Taster session on 11/4/25 from 9.00am to 12noon.
Register at to indicate your interest. The zoom link will be emailed to you.
Sessions & Topics
Welcome & Orientation for Keys to Restoring Lives 'A' School Students and Guests. Zoom Session on 11/4/25 (Fri) 9.00am - 12noon
Introduction to KRLA Teaching and Objectives
Zoom session on 02/05/25 (Fri) 9.00am – 12noon
Foundation of the Healing Ministry
Zoom session on 09/05/25 (Fri) & 16/05/25 (Fri) 9.00am - 12noon
The course aims to teach the scriptural foundations for health, healing and wholeness; and to illustrate this with ‘living testimonies’ of how God heals His children. Jesus encourages us to live in the Kingdom of God.
Acceptance and Belonging
Zoom session on 23/05/25 (Fri) & 30/05/25 (Fri) 9.00am - 12noon
This module will cover the foundations of acceptance and the course of rejection. It covers God’s ideal and the reality in parenting, the four principles of forgiveness, four principles of acceptance, preparing for change, our struggles to receive God’s love and acceptance and finally moving on into acceptance.
Inner Healing & Emotional Wholeness
Zoom session on 04/07/25 (Fri) & 11/07/25 (Fri) 9.00am - 12noon
Jesus shows is His healing ministry that inner healing is a vital part of the process of becoming healthy. This module will cover the possible causes of inner damage, soul ties, symptoms of inner damage, guilt/shame, dealing with and expressing emotional pain as well as the process of healing
Steps to Freedom from Fear
Zoom session on 25/07/25 (Fri) & 01/08/25 (Fri) 9.00am - 12noon
God has made it clear that a spirit of fear is not from Him, yet many believers struggle with various ungodly fears. This module exposes the different ways through which the enemy gains legal rights to trap Christians in bondage to fear and how to move on from fear.
The Truth about Sex & Sexuality
Zoom session on 15/08/25 (Fri) & 22/08/25 (Fri) 9.00am - 12noon
We live in a world that has distorted the Godly concept of sexuality. This module aims to explain God’s perfect plan for mankind, marriage and the family, as well as to provide an in depth understanding of sexual relationships, sexual sin, abortion, miscarriage and singlehood.
Moving Under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit
Zoom session on 05/09/25 (Fri) & 12/09/25 (Fri) 9.00am - 12noon
To live the abundant life that Jesus came to give us, we need to be living and moving under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. This module will cover the Person, character and work of the Holy Spirit as well as the baptism of the Holy Spirit, gifts and ministries of the Holy Spirit.
Restoring the Human Spirit
Zoom session on 19/09/25 (Fri) & 26/09/25 (Fri) 9.00am - 12noon
God intended our human spirit to be a source of life and strength for our soul and body so that we can worship Him in spirit and in truth. This module will help us understand damage made to the human spirit, nurture and healing for the human spirit.
Deliverance Ministry
Zoom session on 17/10/25 (Fri) & 24/10/25 (Fri) 9.30am -12noon
This module examines deliverance ministry, an integral part of the healing ministry of Jesus, from both scriptural and practical perspectives. It explains how demonic footholds can be established in a person’s life and presents key principles by which the captives may be set free. This module is designed to train and equip those who are called to the healing ministry and will greatly benefit those in leadership within the Body of Christ.
Principles of Care & Prayer Ministry
Zoom session on 07/11/25 (Fri) & 14/11/25 (Fri) 9.00am - 12noon
This module looks at what it means to be involved in helping others through care, counselling and prayer. Who we are and our heart attitudes are more important than what we know. Relational skills are discussed and demonstrated, with an opportunity being given to use them in practical workshops.
- 3-Day PMA Practicum Workshop (Optional)
Onsite session on 16/01/26 (Fri), 17/01/26 (Sat) & 18/01/26 (Sun) 9.30am - 5.00pm
Spiritual Protection and Nurture
Zoom session 0n 23/01/26 (Fri) & 30/01/26 (Fri) 9.00am - 12noon
In this course we shall investigate: the reality of spiritual nakedness, the need for God’s covering, how we become spiritually exposed, the consequence of exposure, the deception and damage of self-covering and how to appropriate God’s recovery.
Date of Graduation will be on 06/02/2026 (Fri) 9.30am to 4.30pm
Course Fees
Payment on or before 19/4/25 - S$950.00* excludes 3-day Practicum Workshop
Payment after 19/4/25 - S$1,050.00* excludes 3-day Practicum Workshop
3-day PMA Practicum Workshop (Optional) S$200.00
*fees inclusive of textbook and local delivery**
**Delivery fee is for local, Singapore only. Shipping fee is charged separately for overseas students*
Payment Option: Online Credit Card, PayNow Bank Transfer/Cheque
Register and follow payment instruction at

Pay Now
UEN: 200516963M
Bill Reference No.: 2KRLA Your Full Name (e.g. 2KRLA Tan Mei Li Helen)

Bank Transfer
Beneficiary Name Ellel Ministries Singapore
Bank Account: 629-006404-001 OCBC
Cheque Payable to Asian Ministries-Zion Healing Centre
Indicate our OCBC bank account 629-006404-001 on the back of the cheque and drop it into any OCBC cheque deposit box
Refund Policy
Fees paid are not transferable to another person. Upon date of course commencement and thereafter, there is no refund of any fees paid.
There will be a SGD$200 administrative charge for refund before course commencement.
Asian Ministries reserves the right to change the schedule and topics without prior notice.
By registering for the course you agree that Asian Ministries collect your personal information for us to communicate with you regarding our upcoming events, courses or prayer ministry.
Please click on the link for details: